Friday, February 3, 2012

A Change

I'm thinking of discontinuing this particular blog. I started a blog at through Word Press and am an affiliate for Amazon. I have been posting at that blog Monday through Friday since the year started. It has a lot of the things I blog about here and I feel it seems a little redundant for me to have two blogs that are fairly similar.
Granted, the other blog has a certain topic for each day, but a lot of it has the different projects I work on that I include here.
For now, this blog will still be up, but please feel free to visit the to see what that blog is all about!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So, with our little boy's recovery, I seem to be lacking energy even more than usual.

Yesterday was national pie day, so to celebrate, I made a crust-less dutch apple pie. In other words, I made apple crisp. It was very yummy!

I used the apple pie filling my mom canned this fall. She used Ida Rose apples and they were still nice and crisp when I opened the jar.

I'm hoping to be able to can my own apple pie filling this fall. Our son will be a little older, so maybe he can be a helper! Or, maybe I can give him his own apple and that will entertain him long enough to do some canning!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Food and Quilts

Diagonal pattern.

Diamond pattern.

As promised, here are some pictures of the quilt I am working on for my mother-in-law. As of today, I have sewn three rows of blocks together. One-third of the way done with that part of the quilt. Then I get to sew the rows together and it really starts to feel like a quilt.

I took some leftover blocks from a different quilt and am sewing up a small quilt to practice my hand quilting. I'll probably end up selling the small quilt, but we'll see what happens.

I also made some sweet potatoes for our little one today. I decided to thin it a little with apple prune juice. He didn't like it. He ate about half of what I dished up for him and then became very interested in his Cheerios and water. I think I'm going to thin the rest of it with some water or formula. Hopefully he'll like it better that way.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Workin' On It

I'm very proud of myself. I have gotten all of the squares cut for my mother-in-law's quilt. I now need to put them into a pattern that she likes. Of course that means some picture taking!

Once I get the pattern of the squares, I can begin sewing rows together. I think the quilting process goes fairly fast after that. I think the cutting takes forever. It's not something that's easy to do while trying to watch a little one.

I have been hand quilting with the church's quilting group. I have learned a lot, not just about hand quilting itself, but about how different people make their quilts and decide their patterns. It's given me some ideas about what I would like to attempt.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Food

Since I have been making our own baby food, I've been impressed in what my child will eat. Not to mention the texture is not as nice as store bought. I have found making baby food is fun and a great way to save some money. (I use food that I would buy for ourselves anyway.) I will not make my own meat baby food. I just don't think the consistency that I would make would be smooth enough for our little boy to handle. Here are some pictures of the peas and applesauce I made.

Monday, December 26, 2011


I finally had time to make kringla. I would like to thank my Mom for helping with the second batch. The day after making the first batch I was really sore. It was nice to have someone else to roll and shape the second batch.

Combining sugar and butter.

All of the wet ingredients.

Kringla dough.

Kneaded dough.

I have learned when you make multiple batches of kringla, you need to make them on consecutive days as opposed to one day. It's very hard on your body to roll, shape, and bake more than 6 dozen in one day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Christmas is almost here! There is so much to do yet! There's presents to wrap, kringla to make, suitcases to pack, and carols to sing. It's been a busy week so far. I've been working on just cleaning up some of the house. It seems that since we got decorations out, there is no room for some of the stuff we have accumulated!
The plan is to bake tomorrow. We need to get our holiday treats sent before the holidays are over! I'm hoping to make some krumkake as well (another Norwegian treat). It's pretty easy and quick to make, I just have to have the ambition.
I still have some Christmas movies to watch, too. Maybe next year it will be easier to keep on top of all the Christmas stuff!