Saturday, June 5, 2010

Green Thumb

Our fence seems to be keeping out the rabbits. So far none of them have gotten in. Here's what our main garden looks like now. The white buckets are around our peppers. I was told that peppers love them because it helps to keep them warmer and they grow better that way. Not to mention it's an extra obstacle for the rabbits to get around when they try to eat pepper plants. It's a small garden, but it works for us. We usually get enough produce for us to freeze or try canning. We may have a bigger garden someday, but right now it's the right size.

Our roses are also blooming. They are so beautiful. They smell really good, too, except that you have to be right up next to them to smell them. I like these the best since they are tipped pink. Their blooms seem to last longer than the red roses we have. We do get them to bloom a couple of times during the summer, and they're very pretty each time.


  1. hi Kathy I wish your gpa would just have a small garden. Maybe it would not let the weeds take over and we get a little from it. Love Gma

  2. Container Garden Gma! Looks like a much more successful garden than ours! Best of luck.
