Monday, October 3, 2011

Freezer Cooking

This past weekend I spent cooking for our freezer. I cooked nine recipes total and have one more to do. The last recipe I have to make is a soup recipe. Seeing as it has once again warmed up, and I'm running low on freezer space, I've decided to wait until the menu says to have the soup, then make a big batch to freeze. It's hard to make soup while it's warm outside!
Here are some pictures of the hard work I did:

I picked ten recipes and did triple batches. My menu is for 42 days, so there are some days for roasts, leftovers, pasta with sauce and pizza. Our son was very good for me on Friday while I did the first batch of baking. My husband watched him on Sunday and also picked up supper for us. (I completely recommend not cooking supper the day you do the most of the cooking. It really wipes you out!)
I'm still washing some of the dishes, but I run out of strainer space quickly when I use the big bowls, skillets and pots. I'm sure I'll see the end of the dishes soon!


  1. way to go! what is your favorite meal to freeze?

  2. so far, my favorite meal has been calzones. it's so easy to make and just takes a minute to microwave and can have so many different fillings that it doesn't get very boring. i use an oatmeal bread recipe for the dough and it makes them a little healthier
