Friday, April 16, 2010


Today is the big day. Today is the official start of most of the VEISHEA events. For those of you not familiar with VEISHEA, it is Iowa State's annual spring celebration where the different colleges/clubs/groups/etc. get to show off what they've done and try to make some money. The celebration has lots of things to do and see, it's just that so many people from out of town come that traffic gets really bad. And since we live on one of the main roads, it's hard to get anywhere. Tomorrow there's a parade, so that makes traffic even worse. It's not all bad though. There are a lot of food stands to try and there are some really neat displays at the different colleges and on main campus. They even do some medieval sword play! It is a good time, but it always seems to rain on Saturday. Usually during the parade. The weather looks good for tomorrow though, so hopefully we'll luck out!

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