Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Adventures in Baby Food

*I had a migraine yesterday, so this post is one day late. My apologies!*

Our son has started eating solid foods. Instead of paying for baby food, we have opted to try to make our own. I did all right with the butternut squash, which he started to like. The green beans and carrots have been a different story, although he does like both of them. The carrots need a little more pureeing, so do the green beans, but I'm not sure I can puree the green beans anymore without completely watering it down. It's still experimental, but we're working on it. I think we're trying peas next which will hopefully be much easier!

1 comment:

  1. If you don't have the book: Super Baby Foods At check it out from the library! So many many recipes, but also lots and lots of ideas. It has a purple cover. I can look up the specifics if you need.
    We made our own baby food, at least some of it. Mostly over cook the veggies, makes pureeing them very easy and yes to start with very watered down as well.
    You're doing great!
